Summer Camp
Summer Camp (6 weeks)
Summer camp at All Things Bright and Beautiful provides an opportunity for children to explore and grow in a safe and nurturing environment. The majority of camp time is spent outdoors where children are encouraged to develop and expand their play. Unstructured play time gives children a chance to harness their creativity, growing socially and emotionally while responding to their environment. Summer camp also affords children the chance to acclimate to a new school environment, and introduces routines that help foster school readiness. Enrollment in summer camp is available to children entering a three-year-old, Junior Kindergarten, or Kindergarten class in the fall.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from mid-June through July
9:00-11:30 AM
Vacation Bible Camp (1 week)
At All Things Bright and Beautiful Bible Camp children hear Bible stories and participate in prayers and spiritual songs. Children connect to the stories through music, art projects, and dramatic recreations. Vacation Bible Camp enrollment is open to children entering a three-year-old, Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten, or First Grade class in the fall. Vacation Bible Camp applications will be available in June.