Our Values

Love: We believe that God is Love, and that we can live love out by loving God, ourselves, our families, our church, and our world.  

  • To love God and one another drives all our Values.  

  • We see the command of Jesus to love one another as Jesus loves us. This invitation inspires all we do.  

  • We seek to honor and encourage the gifts and potential in every individual.  

  • Fellowship is a key component of our common life because it facilitates individual growth and impactful communities.   

Worship: Prayer is central to our life together.   

  • We embrace prayer and worship in many forms. Our goal is to improve our spiritual health by strengthening our relationships with God and one another.

  • Our worship services are rooted in the Bible and the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer using Rites 1 and 2. We vary our services throughout the year, and typically have at least two services on Sundays.  

  • We offer more traditional, liturgically-based services, as well as more informal, contemporary services.  We get together often for special celebrations and commemorations.  

  • Through prayer, we seek joy, solace and inspiration. Finally, we are grateful for our relationships with each other and with each member of the Holy Trinity.  

Outreach and Service: We support organizations – locally and globally – that serve their communities. We partner with groups that make an impact and share our values.    

  • We are blessed with an abundance of talented and successful parishioners who contribute their energy and expertise to outside organizations.

  • Our members are consistently seeking diverse ways to collaborate with our partners, and these relationships are the heart of our mission. 

  • We provide opportunities for all ages to participate in hands-on service.  

  • Our annual grants are supported by our entire Christmas and Easter collections. 

Inclusive Community: Wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome here at Holy Comforter.  

  • We believe that building community takes time. Dialogue across differences, including hearing voices from inside and outside of Holy Comforter, is crucial to our success.  

  • We seek transformation by empowering ourselves, our community, and the broader world.  

  • We know that we are stronger, more effective, and more impactful when we work as a whole. Each member offers their individual gifts to our collective purpose.  

  • For us, unity means celebrating our differences, honoring our unique perspectives, and nurturing our potential. 

 Responsible Stewardship: All our needs and all our blessings are gifts from God. We strive to be responsible stewards of Holy Comforter and our world.  

  • It takes time, talent, and treasure to care for the organization of Holy Comforter and our wider community.  

  • Our value of stewardship originates from God’s call to care for Creation in Genesis.  

  • It is expressed through our ongoing respect for our environment. It comes to fruition when we make meaningful commitments to support one another and our world.  

  • We are building on the foundations laid by those who came before us.  

Life-Long Learning: We believe that we can get closer to God by getting to know God, and that knowing God more deeply is a life-long pursuit.     

  • We provide teaching and learning opportunities for all ages.  

  • Our ministry of formation is grounded in our preschool, All Things Bright and Beautiful. We further nurture our children through regular Sunday classes and youth activities, cultivating their development with intentional resources. Education continues through Confirmation and beyond, including cross-generational discussions and meetings every week.  

  • Our Sunday Morning Forum discussions give us an opportunity to engage with and challenge each other, including speakers from inside and outside Holy Comforter.  

  • We know that we are all students and can all learn from each other. We have a passion for growth and service. We believe that these forums empower us to develop our relationships with God and each other. We offer a dynamic and diverse curriculum, oriented towards expanding knowledge, grace, and wisdom.  

With grateful appreciation for our forebearers and guidance from the Holy Spirit, we seek to hold ourselves accountable for living out these Values.